My Creative Journey
I'm a storyteller. I believe I was born on this Earth to tell stories and share them with people who are willing to listen. In my mind, I see my stories play out like a movie, and animation is the perfect medium to show others what I see in my head. I am a firm believer in originally, and I find my own work to be unusual and unique. I hope to inspire others to create original and imaginative content in the field of animation.
Since the beginning of my short life I have always wanted to be a storyteller. When I was a tiny version of myself, I created strange characters in very surreal environments. I would often share my stories with my friends and family, and they encouraged me to create more. When I was eight years old, I took a cartooning class at a local community college. During that class we were given an assignment to animate a character walking or running. When I finished my assignment, I discovered the medium I wanted to use to tell my tales. After that I dedicated all my time and energy to perfect the difficult art of animation.
I am a Maryland Institute College of Art alumni with a BFA in animation.